Gina Bennett August 2011 Progress Report

Curriculum Design

Day-to-day work for August 2011


In the spirit of "working in the open", I will use this space to detail my day-to-day NANSLO design work for August. If the email notifications become oppressive for other users of this wiki I can take this work off-line.


Monday August 1st:


Holiday in Canada.


Tuesday August 2nd:


Goal for today: catch up on emails, wiki entries, suggestions that have accumulated over the past 3 days.




Wednesday August 3rd:


Goal for today: prepare for my departure (holidays for a few weeks).




Thursday August 4 - Friday August 19:


I was out of the country during this time period, keeping up with the gist of listserv discussion when able to check email (as connectivity allowed).


Monday August 22nd:


Goal for today: reconnect with the project.




Tuesday August 23rd:


Goal for today: arrange a workplan for the rest of the month.




Thursday August 25rd:


This day was taken up almost completely with COTR work.


Friday August 26th:


Goal for today: complete tasks from discussion with Catherine on Tues.




Tuesday August 30th:


Goal for today: review tasks for August; begin planning for Sept.

