NGLC Final Report Sumitted March 2013

NANSLO submitted its final report on the Next Generation Learning Challenges grant to Nancy Millchap, program officer NGLC, Educause, on March 8, 2013 (see letter.)


Two documents comprise the final report:


  1. NANSLO | NGLC FINAL REPORT:  The data for the actual period of the grant with the number of students projected to be involved in the spring and summer 2012 courses as described in the grant proposal.
  2. Evaluator's Appendix for Wave 1 Final Report: This second report covers the fall 2012 enrollments during the "no cost extension" period.  This extension significantly increased the number of students involved in the project beyond what we projected in the grant proposal. 


The source of the data for the first report was provided by Colorado Community College System's IT department. It provided Pell data for the this group of students.  No Pell data was provided for the fall 2012 students.